Karim Moutarrif
J’ai écrit ce poème pour décrire les relations inhumaines vers lesquelles nous nous en allons. À la suite de cet écrit il y a des liens avec des chansons de ma composition.
The illusion to be in touch with… I’m talking to you; you’re in the next room, it’s unbelievable I imagine you appearing in the door frame with your sweet little face While you’re thousands of miles away from me You’re thousands of miles away from me The illusion to be in touch with I cannot feel your breath on my shoulder, I cannot hug you You write me all that stuff; you became a social network And you’re thousands of times away from me You’re thousands of times away from me The illusion to be in touch with…
Your smiling face is on the screen and it’s talking to me It’s pointing the camera with a finger; sounds you’re alive But you’re thousands of years away from me You’re thousands of years away from me The illusion to be in touch with… I do not trust you anymore but I have to believe The impression of you, it is all that stays in me Since you’re thousands of dreams away from me You’re thousands of dreams away from me The illusion to be in touch with… __________________________ La suite est une chanson dédiée à Alfred Nobel, ce bienfaiteur de l'humanité qui a vendu tellement d'armes mais qui est mort terriblement seul.
"Women" est un hommage a ces êtres sans qui la gent masculine n'aurait aucun sans : nos mères, nos sieurs, nos compagnes et nos filles